We assist businesses in formulating and implementing comprehensive backup strategies.
Why do you need offsite backup solutions?
- A reliable backup strategy is essential to protect one of the most important assets of any business.
- Ordinarily, very few businesses recover from complete or partial data loss. For instance, what would happen to your business if you no longer had access to the data used for its daily operations?
- Additionally, regulatory measures require businesses and individuals to keep certain documents for many years.
- Protecting your data against the increasing threat of ransomware attacks is crucial.

Some of the ways you could lose your data without proper backup solutions in place include:
You can lose your data unexpectedly in several ways:
- Theft – Unfortunately, this can happen, and if it does, you will lose everything on your computer, server, or laptop. Maybe you could redo all your work, but that costs time and money. Perhaps you do have backups, but did not back up regularly, leaving a large amount of work unprotected. In turn, you fall victim to data loss.
- Hard drive failure – You may have a great backup power solution for your data, but without warning, your hard drive suddenly fails, leading to the painful loss of months or years of irreplaceable data.
- Computer/server crashes – This happens when you least expect it and can bring your business to a standstill because you lost your data or clients’ data.
- Computer/Server damage – You dropped your laptop, spilled drinks on your computer, or your server falls over (we have seen this; it could happen).
- Virus infection – Most viruses will spread across your network and could disable your entire network. Even if you had backups, aggressive malicious viruses can corrupt those files as well.
- Human error – We have seen this happen a lot. For example, staff can accidentally delete files.